Reading group

The MultiPlay reading group meets once a month, with community members coming together to discuss recent texts, videos or media created in the field of game studies.

All meets take place through our Discord server.

Multiplay: Reading Group Symposia and Planning

Mission statement of the reading group: Dr. Tom Rodgers 15/02/2022

The Multiplay reading group is intended as an open space for any members of the network to come together and collaboratively discuss key readings related to ‘symposia themes’ – the latter being a key topic for discussion at the first roundtable session to be held on the 28th February. In terms of organizational structure and ‘thematic grouping’, it is intended that the reading group will be dedicated to certain key threads over the course of various sessions before finalizing and publishing a symposia summary. In the spirit of making this a collective endeavor, please do come along to reading group sessions with ideas for literature/research themes to explore and readings that interest you and/or potentially others.


New literature within the last couple of years – keep things flexible.

Format: 1 theme every two months – 2 readings per session – 2 meetings per month

Syllabi themes:

  1. Feminism(s) and Game(s) Studies: March/April

the first symposia theme of the reading group will be focused around exploring past, current, and potential future directions for fruitful dialogues between feminism(s) and game(s) studies. Potential topics for exploration will include (but are not limited to):

  1. Issues of Sexuality and gender in videogames and the videogames industry;
  2. Sex work in videogames;
  3. Misogyny in videogames and/or the videogames industry;
  4. Representations of relationships in videogame culture;
  5. Watch videos/read texts about how to get funding for research on feminism and games – conferences, panels – videos
  1. Queer Games Studies: May/June
  2. Capitalism/Labour: July/August
  3. Race/Ethnicity: Sept/Oct
  4. Disability/Accessibility: Nov/Dec